TOUR0034-1 | |||||
Anglais : module 5 | |||||
Duration :
24h Th | |||||
Number of credits :
Lecturer :
Pascal Baronheid, Virginie Renard | |||||
Language(s) of instruction :
French language | |||||
Organisation and examination :
Teaching in the first semester, review in January | |||||
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite :
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program | |||||
Learning unit contents :
Not available | |||||
Learning outcomes of the learning unit :
Not available | |||||
Prerequisite knowledge and skills :
Planned learning activities and teaching methods :
Not available | |||||
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning) :
Not available | |||||
Recommended or required readings :
Pour M. Baronheid/ Mme Raulin:
Grammaire : Essential grammar in use, R. Murphy. Thierry edition - CUP Dictionnaire traduction: Le Robert & Collins, Notes de cours: - textbook careers and employment - textbook Practice files - English for Presentations, Marion Grussendorf, Express series, Oxford Business English, OUP 2009 - Everyday Business Writing, Ian Badger & Sue Pedley, English for work, Pearson Education Limited, Longman 2013 |
Assessment methods and criteria :
Session de janvier Travail journalier: 40% Examen écrit: 60% Session de septembre Examen écrit: 100% L'unité est réussie avec une note moyenne minimale de 10/20. Langues d'évaluation : français et anglais. |
Work placement(s) :
Organizational remarks :
Not available | |||||
Contacts :
||||| |